This is how you make great corporate blogs

(Unsplash/Melanie Deziel)

Creating high-quality, engaging content for your company blog will attract and retain an audience in today's crowded digital landscape. 

Blog articles are meant to inform or educate readers about a specific topic, but they also establish your credibility in covering that topic. Getting it right means you become a trusted source within your niche and that will grow website traffic long term - they came for the content and stayed for the product. 

Engaging blog posts attract new readers and potential customers. They support all sales and marketing efforts and the credibility they give you will convert traffic - and that reputation - into customers. Blogs are a lynchpin in the spectrum of brand awareness that supports purchasing decisions. 

This all means there is an overwhelming amount of content and websites competing for attention. For you to stand out, you have to avoid the pitfalls and get the fundamentals right. 

The good news is that if you do, you will be rewarded. Developing blog article ideas and crafting posts your audience loves requires a lot of effort, and most just don’t do it or only partially do it. 

So even though the field is full of competitors, doing the basics very well will make you very competitive. Use the checklist here to benchmark your content strategy and keep your team on track throughout the process. To create winning blogs and blog strategies, use this article as a guide. 

1. Provide useful, detailed content  

It sounds obvious but a lot of people do not make this their number one priority. Nothing else matters in the long run if what you put out there does not have value to the people you want to reach. 

Getting content out and found has become such an overwhelming priority for so long that the quality of the content and the information it conveys has declined. 

Even if audience numbers are low, quality will be quality forever, even if the content is long past relevance. This matters to people who find it. If three people read an article, but they are the right three people, that matters far more than 1 million people reading it. 

After grabbing attention, you have to back it up by delivering value in return for that attention. That means detailed, helpful content. Structure your articles well, dividing information into scannable sections, and using formatting like bullet points, numbered lists, subheadings and bold text.

For practical guidance, this checklist helps teams make a strategy, stick to it, and review it. It is a guide for content experts and content debutantes. 

2. Edit and refine your articles

After writing your articles, edit the posts to refine the content. Check for issues with flow, tone, sentence structure and readability. Use free tools like Grammarly or the Hemingway App to help spot errors - but always complement that with the work you do yourself. 

A good way to think about online tools are as a prompt to engage the creative or critical reasoning sides of your brain. You should never rely on them, because you can assume plenty of people are already doing that. But using them to keep you challenging what you do - that is a great idea. 

Make sure you do the small things, like optimizing your meta description and tags with keywords when publishing your content. This helps search engines understand your articles. 

It should go without saying, but push your posts on social media increase reach, and even if the posts are not hugely successful, you are increasing the online presence of that piece of content. 

This means you should always include a draft social media post that others can play with to get a post out with minimal effort. Work on that as you edit. 

3. Your target audience: Who are they? What do they want? How do they think? Speak to them, not you 

The first step to creating a high-quality article is getting to know your target audience. You need to understand their interests, challenges, goals and questions so you can create content that resonates with them.  

Start by creating audience personas that clearly define your ideal customers. Outline details like demographics, common objections and reasons for using your product or service. This will help you create content tailored to their needs. 

You should go through every stage of the content process with your audience in mind. Always judge the work - from the information it offers, to the sentence structure you choose, and the careful use of vocabulary - from an outsider perspective. 

You have to be ruthless about this. It is hard, and emotionally a little bruising, but it works and almost nobody does it. 

4. Craft compelling titles, introductions, and transitions 

Your headlines and introductions need to capture attention quickly. Don’t bury your headline in fancy words. Be clear about the topic and highlight the benefits the readers will get. 

Some simple but reliable headline formulas include:

  • How to [achieve a goal]
  • The [number] [adjective] ways to [achieve a goal] 
  • [Number] tips for [your audience]

For example, "5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rates" tells readers they will learn specific strategies for a goal. You can also use “How to” or “How [[GROUP/INDIVIDUALS]] Boost Conversion Rates”. 

Use your imagination to make your headline stand out from others, by keeping it simple and clear, but revealing some insight your piece offers. 

In your intro paragraph, summarize the content and focus on your audience. Highlight the value they’ll receive, and try to incorporate the keywords you want to target. 

As you go through the piece, focus on the journey of the reader, bringing them smoothly through to the finish. 

5. Keywords and leaning into SEO

In case you aren’t sure, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization: the art and science of getting found by people searching for answers online. 

You should research keywords and topics your audience cares about. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush and Ahrefs can help uncover popular and low-competition keywords to target. Look at questions people are asking on forums like Quora, too, but if you know your niche, follow your instincts. Parse out the topics and keywords from your research, then write with those in mind. 

You can learn a few strategies for approaching SEO here, but you should always approach SEO as a reference to lean into. Create content that lends itself to being found, but doesn’t prioritize being found to the detriment of insight or quality. 

There is a reason Google updates its algorithm and SEO strategies have to evolve in response: search engines want to find good content to solve queries. 

Make good content, then structure it to be found. In a world where AI content starts to proliferate - this is content that is structured with SEO in mind - that SEO focus will rapidly lose value. 

Quality stays quality forever. 


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