HOW DO I? Identify keywords and lean into SEO

HOW DO I? Identify keywords and lean into SEO (Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP)

This is a one-minute guide to identifying keywords and leaning into SEO.

In case you aren’t sure, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization: the art and science of getting found by people searching for answers online. 

You should research keywords and topics your audience cares about. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush and Ahrefs can help uncover popular and low-competition keywords to target. Look at questions people are asking on forums like Quora, too, but if you know your niche, follow your instincts. Parse out the topics and keywords from your research, then write with those in mind. 

You can learn a few strategies for approaching SEO here, but you should always approach SEO as a reference to lean into. Create content that lends itself to being found, but doesn’t prioritize being found to the detriment of insight or quality. 

There is a reason Google updates its algorithm and SEO strategies have to evolve in response: search engines want to find good content to solve queries. 

Make good content, then structure it to be found. In a world where AI content starts to proliferate - this is content that is structured with SEO in mind - that SEO focus will rapidly lose value. 

Quality stays quality forever. 

This article appeared as part of This is how you make great corporate blogs.


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