Innovating your CMS strategy with AI and cloud integration

Innovating your CMS strategy with AI and cloud integration. (Unsplash/Christin Hume)

Content management system (CMS) has been around since the late 1990s. Now, as technology advances, there are two significant trends in content management – the integration of AI and cloud deployment

The traditional CMS has proven effective as it allows multiple teams and people to use the system to produce, modify, organize and release content. However, the integration of AI technology in cloud content management (CCM) takes it a step further. It enables the system to analyze large volumes of data to identify target audiences and determine the most effective time and place to reach them.

Effective content management is crucial in maintaining consistency in branding and marketing efforts, as well as facilitating easy organization and distribution of content. It also allows non-technical personnel to publish content, thereby reducing the costs associated with website maintenance.

Additionally, the application of behavioral science principles in content management practices will assist in creating content that resonates with audiences and maximizes engagement and response rates.

What business can expect from CCM

A CCM system offers a collection of tools and methods that enable organizations to collaborate and manage their assets and data efficiently across various sites, departments, and platforms. This usually includes software for electronic document management, computerized maintenance management, preventive maintenance strategies and technical support.

The primary objective is utilizing the right information to maximize efficiency in ROI and decision-making.

To achieve these objectives, the most effective CCM systems offer several key features, including a centralized repository for content and critical data, secure collaboration across devices and platforms, automated digital workflows that streamline processes and ensure compliance, advanced AI technology capabilities with robust security and compliance features.

The choice of a suitable cloud content management platform will depend primarily on the specific requirements and industry of the organization. Key features to consider when selecting a content management platform include a secure and cloud-centric environment that adheres to information governance, security and privacy regulations. 

More features to consider:

  • The platform should also provide automatic document version control and auditing, ensuring that all document versions and drafts are accurately recorded and managed across all team members and devices. 
  • Scalability is also important, as the platform should be able to adapt to changing demands and requirements.
  • A user-friendly interface that includes a mobile app, centralized dashboards, and consistent data across devices is also desirable.
  • Compliance and validation features, such as watermarks, print stamps, and validation-as-a-service, are particularly crucial for highly regulated industries like life sciences.
  • Automations that leverage AI and streamline manual processes should also be included. 
  • Concurrent engineering capabilities can help avoid issues like low productivity, ineffective records management and poor execution by providing multi-site capabilities.

Some examples of cloud content management tools and platforms include Hubspot CMS Hub, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Drupal and Contentful.

Intersection between CCM and AI that businesses can leverage

Managing a large volume of content can be overwhelming and time-consuming. For instance, consider managing an image database with thousands of daily uploads. Hiring hundreds of people to verify each upload would be impractical, costly, time-consuming and unsustainable.

Fortunately, AI can help by identifying and categorizing images, making the process quicker and cost-effective. In addition, by using cloud-native automation, an AI-powered CCM can perform such tasks from anywhere, simplifying content management. 

As mentioned, when looking for a CCM system, one of the key features to consider is the tool's AI integration to automate tasks and analyze a big chunk of data. Integrating AI with CCM can facilitate the rapid development of solutions, improving process efficiency and reducing the risk of errors, which are crucial for achieving quick and accurate deliveries. 

Moreover, an AI-powered content management system can securely store confidential content in the cloud, providing advantages over on-premise systems, such as advanced encryption and strong physical security measures.

How AI helps content management for businesses

  1. AI can perform smart content analysis and categorization by assessing the sentiment and tone of a piece of content. This helps content managers quickly evaluate if it's suitable for their audience or if adjustments are necessary to improve engagement. IBM Watson uses AI for content categorization, text labeling, sentiment analysis, and keyword extraction. 
  2. Automating image tagging, essential for SEO purposes, is also on the table with AI. This task is time-consuming for workers, but AI-powered image recognition tools, like Fritz, have become advanced enough to tag images within seconds, freeing workers to focus on more critical tasks.
  3. Automated tracking and analysis of user behavior by AI, like Segment, can identify patterns that aid in predicting the future preferences of individual users. This information can improve marketing personalization efforts, increasing revenue and marketing efficiency. 
  4. AI also saves time in content creation by assisting with straightforward writing projects such as news articles, factual reports, translations, transcriptions, and editing for accuracy. AI writing tools like Copymatic can handle research and data, while human writers can create high-quality content for each target customer.

Future expectations

Projections indicate that the AI market will witness substantial growth in the future. It grew by 47 percent between 2021 and 2022, and it is predicted to increase by 38 percent in 2023. This upward trend is expected to persist, with an annual growth rate of no less than 26 percent until 2025.

With those numbers, the chance for AI to significantly impact content management systems in the future is also growing. Some potential future use cases to look forward to are:

  • AI-powered content recommendation systems will become more advanced, recommending relevant content to users based on their past interactions, interests and behavior.
  • Voice-activated content management will make it easier for users to interact with CMS through voice commands, increasing efficiency and accessibility.
  • AI can facilitate the creation of augmented reality content, enabling users to experience content in new and interactive ways.
  • Automated content moderation using AI algorithms will enable faster and more efficient detection and removal of harmful or inappropriate content.

AI in content management can automate tasks, track behavior and improve personalization – resulting in more efficient business processes, satisfied customers and reduced human error. With the ever-growing online user base and data, AI-CCM is an essential investment for businesses to lead the way and ensure future success.

Read more about how AI can help you overcome content creation hurdles, such as writer's block, here.

Origin Hope provides any content operation with newsroom efficiency, powered by its optimized processes, AI technology and excellent customer service. We work with marketing departments, independent creators, publishers and media groups around the world. Get in touch here.