An impromptu talk and discussion with students about AI and creativity

Humans: The key to accelerating growth in the AI creation

The following is an edited excerpt of a lecture given by Blaise Hope on Mount Merapi on March 13, 2023, to a group of students and Origin Hope-trained subcontractors, during the occasion of Origin Hope’s 4th Birthday. A later discussion from the same day is available on other channels and this website. 

The essence of our humanity lies in the boundless capacity to conceive, invent and bring forth something entirely new into the world, something that did not exist mere moments ago. The ability to come up with something we didn't have yesterday in five minutes makes us human — we call it creation.

It also separates us from what a computer is or will ever be able to do, and this is where the misunderstandings about Artificial Intelligence begin.

With the growing popularity of readily accessible AI, such as Bard, ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL-E, the world is increasingly intrigued by the potential of AI

Yet, while the AI landscape is gaining attention, there remains a significant gap in public understanding. Language, content creation and the broader implications of AI are shrouded in confusion and misconceptions.

AI will remain tools, not users

The magic of creation is in the process. Throughout the course of human history, we have grappled with the task of bridging the chasm between ideas. We have relied on the interpretations of others and the conveyance of concepts from one mind to another. 

But what if we could transcend this process? What if we could transport an idea from our own imagination directly into the fertile landscapes of another while still retaining the freedom to shape and create?

Imagine the possibilities that would unfold. Your imagination, bolstered by tools as sophisticated as the entire realm of someone else's creative vision, would have the power to construct worlds beyond measure. 

The manifestation of your ideas would no longer be limited to the stroke of a pen or a brush. It would be the culmination of your very thoughts and aspirations. 

Let's address the misconception surrounding AI. It is not intelligence — at least, it is nothing like the one we possess. AI learns to predict based on countless actions and word choices over time. However, for example, language itself evolves. Your choices and influences shape the language of tomorrow. 

You can adapt to these changes in a blink of an eye. Meanwhile, AI is the allocation of a process to a computer that can repeat it. AI needs direction and is useless if it is not a reliable part of the creation process. 

Even if we train it in decision-making, we merely train it to mimic decision-making. When we managed to define a process, we exercised the power of creation. We used our brains to find a way to create a process layer for AI to mimic a human decision so it can get it right at least 99 percent of the time. 

These 99 percent, 99.9 percent and 95 percent are the difference between a good piece of work that's enjoyable and something that we would fail a five-year-old at. 

The realm of creation pertains to the nature of media, content and the tools through which ideas are brought to life. Whether it be a primitive hand on a cave wall, ink on paper, or the spoken word, they all serve as mediums — a means to express the vast expanse of human imagination.

Now, let your mind wander for a moment. Envision a world where the limitations imposed by tools and mediums fade into insignificance. Imagine a realm where the power of a book, where an entire world is vividly recreated within the confines of your mind, becomes a reality.

Imagine the complexity and depth that can be conveyed if the few words on a page, inspiring your imagination, were equivalent to an entire world. Tools like ChatGPT and Bard facilitate conversations and save time, which is just the beginning. They allow us to engage in dialogue that was once impossible.

Consider a landscape where the constraints of time, effort and space, which currently burden our creative endeavors, hold no sway. What if we could directly traverse the distance from one idea to another, bypassing the need for interpretation or the boundaries of physical mediums? 

Now, picture this: an idea takes shape within your mind and an AI model meticulously crafts the intricacies of its sensory experience. It captures the essence of its sound, its aroma, the touch upon your skin and paints a vivid tapestry that resonates with your emotions. The magic of exceptional writing lies in its ability to encapsulate the brilliance of an experience in just a few words, to transport you to a realm where you inhabit the very essence of its characters.

This is where the distinction lies. AI, while a remarkable tool, cannot replace the depths of human creativity. It is the next step, the final stage of this journey — a leap from one idea to another, unfiltered and unhindered.

AI, an accomplishment of our own making, cannot replicate the essence of human creativity. It will forever stand as a companion, an advanced tool that amplifies our potential, allowing us to explore the vast reaches of our imagination with greater depth and fidelity. The true magic lies within our minds, our ability to conceive, create and shape the world around us.

What AI can bring

AI presents us with new and extraordinary opportunities. Imagine if we could patch the gaps in our creative problem-solving with these new technologies and ideas. By changing the paintbrush to pencil to pen to the printer, we unlock novel possibilities and harness the potential of innovative technologies. 

However, to fully utilize these advancements, we must define processes we can rely on, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Hence, humans will always be the missing link no matter how far we advance. The machines we build become more powerful when humans are integral to the process. 

At Origin Hope, we combine generative AI capabilities and human expertise to excel. Our focus is on recruitment, identification, cultivation and development of untapped talent, which remains unutilized in today's market. We empower individuals to make complex decisions and unleash their creativity by automating repetitive tasks. Our core lies in being a human-centric company.

While developments like ChatGPT have emerged, we have built a company that maximizes our position and stands alone in the market. We are a human company at heart, so we made the strategic decision to prove our beliefs and rebuild our foundation from the ground up.

Origin Hope stands as the bridge between AI advancements and true creation, with the missing link being our highly trained human team. At our core, we are a human-centric company, emphasizing the unique qualities that humans bring to the table — how we communicate, select information and make decisions. 

With our expertise and unwavering commitment, we unlock the full potential of AI, unleashing a new era of creativity and innovation.

Humans: The key to accelerating growth in the AI creation


Origin Hope provides any content operation with newsroom efficiency, powered by its optimized processes, AI technology and excellent customer service. We work with marketing departments, independent creators, publishers and media groups around the world. Get in touch here.